Produced by iconic Tuscan wine producer Tignanello, this superb grappa is obtained by distilling the pomace of cabernet sauvignon and sangiovese grapes harvested in the Tignanello vineyard, situated in the Tignanello estate, in the heart of Chianti Classico. The fermented grapes are transferred to the distillery immediately after emptying the fermenting vats and then pressed. This procedure guarantees that distillation is carried out using only the best quality skins, rich in alcohol and incredibly aromatic. A very careful selection is then made of the different'lots'of grappa and only the best ones, the most balanced and aromatic ones, are then assembled and bottled. Available only in limited quantities, this high-quality grappa is incredibly well balanced and delightfully smooth, with a dried fruit and herbal complexity set against attractive floral and spice notes. Best enjoyed lightly chilled as a digestif, at the end of a good meal. 500ml£12.4 per 100.00ml