Leeds Gin Original Dry Gin
Leeds Gin Original Dry Gin
To create the ultimate gin and tonic, this is owl you'll need. The Original Dry from Leeds Gin is a tangy and peppery affair, with a warmth that comes in handy up north. The warmth comes from ginger, the pepper from a good hit of juniper and the tang - which is perfectly balanced by a dash of agave - comes from locally foraged rhubarb. This adds a beautiful crumble-esque quality to any cocktail it goes into it. No prizes for guessing where this vegan-friendly gin comes from. But what might surprise you is that it was made just two miles from the bustling city centre. Leeds Gin, much like the people of its home, is no-nonsense, straight-talking, friendly, fun to hang out with and proper Northern. The brand was acquired by the Sheffield-based True North Brew Co. in 2019, who gave it a fabulous makeover and covered it in owls, much like the Leeds City Council's coat of arms and the Millennium Square in front of the Civic Hall.£5.71 per 100.00ml
  • Harvey Nichols (Eu)
  • Leeds Gin
40.00 EUR