Montale Aoud Queen Roses 100ml
Montale Aoud Queen Roses 100ml
The regal beauty of the union of spicy, earthy, leathery oud and sweet, luscious roses is rendered here in Aoud Queen Roses, with the masterfulness that set the standard for other creations in this sublime genre. The sultry ripeness of roses is highlighted by the creamy muskiness of hibiscus, which lends the composition a soft, insinuating sensuality. Precious woods and leather become stronger, until it becomes truly nocturnal in feel. evocative of a secret garden of an opulent eastern palace… with Scheherazade whispering softly in our ear the tales of fantastic journeys and incredible passions. Exquisite, truly fit for a queen and highly recommended.£110 per 100.00ml
  • Harvey Nichols (Eu)
  • Montale
110.00 EUR