Orval Trappist Ale 330ml
Orval Trappist Ale 330ml
Described by beer critic Michael Jackson as a"world classic", Orval Trappist Ale gets its unique flavour from a strain of yeast called Brettanomyces Bruxellensis. It's light in colour and slightly hazy, but full-on in flavour, tasting like leather, earthy spices, fruit, hay, citrus rind, rye bread, funky barnyards and deliciously bitter hops. First brewed in 1931, it's famed for the'Belgian lace'it leaves on the glass from the huge frothy head. Belgium has also become the spiritual home of Trappist beer, and Orval is one of only a handful of breweries permitted to make and label its beer as an"Authentic Trappist Product". We hear that it's particularly enjoyed by people called Keith…£1.21 per 100.00ml
  • Harvey Nichols (Eu)
  • Orval
4.00 EUR