Tapatio Blanco Tequila 500ml
Tapatio Blanco Tequila 500ml
Produced purely from 100% blue agave and left to rest in steel tanks for a month before bottling, Tapatio Blanco displays a remarkably full, spicy and balanced flavour, which is described by many drinks enthusiasts as one of the world's finest sipping Tequilas. We love the notes of roasted agave sweetness, wild herbs, green vegetables, cream, black peppercorn and grilled poblano pepper. Representing one of the finest examples of Blanco Tequila available, this is best enjoyed on its own at room temperature alongside spicy tacos. Tapatio is a traditional and family owned Mexican operation that has been distilling Tequila since the early 1800s. Passed down from generation to generation, the La Altena Distillery now boasts a reputation for producing some of the world's finest expressions of Tequila which enjoy a prestigious reputation for quality, integrity and authenticity amongst bartenders and Tequila connoisseurs alike.
  • Harvey Nichols (Eu)
  • Tapatio
32.50 EUR